Eine Luftaufnahme des Standorts Silbitz

ZGG GmbH in Zeitz

The objective, to be able to offer our customers, as far as possible, a complete product portfolio led to the decision to expand the foundry group in the large casting segment. With pleasure and a sense of tradition we remembered the location in Zeitz and were pleased to be able to buy the old ZEMAG location in 2007. With the ceremonious start of operation in June 2009 the circle was closed and Silbitz returned to the group’s place of origin. From the start of construction to the complete utilisation of the production, the Silbitz Group invested 55 mio Euro in the Zeitz location.

The ZGG–Zeitzer Guss GmbH is a completely newly erected, state of the art jobbing foundry for single parts and series from 4 tons to 45 tons per piece with the perspective of being able to handle even heavier parts.The annual capacity in the Zeitz location is 25,000 tons.

For large cast parts we have built up a sophisticated chain of cooperation for final machining and coating. We already deliver more than 75% of the large cast parts machined and coated ready for installation.

At the Zeitz location we mainly serve the wind power, energy technology, drive engineering and machine tool segments. Above and beyond this we manufacture stamped parts for the automobile industry using the lost-foam process.

Our extensive spectrum of services and a high degree of flexibility enable us to accept specific requirements of our customers’ cast products. Main focus of the company strategy is the innovative implementation of the results of research and development.

ZGG - Zeitzer Guss GmbH
Naumburger Straße 52
06712 Zeitz

Telephone: +49 3441 22871 10
Fax: +49 3441 2287 120
E-Mail: info[at]silbitz-group.com

Ein großes, rundes Gussteil liegt in einer Fertigungshalle des Standorts Zeitz
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Sabrina Koch

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