Quality test
We pursue the objective of always offering you the expected quality of your products, and setting up the manufacturing processes and sequences defect free is, for us, a factor that breeds security and trust.
We perform process-related controls and final inspections to deliver with the expected quality:
- Emission spectrometer for iron and nickel matrix
- Our own moulding material laboratory
- Thermal analysis for evaluation of the solidifying properties of cast iron
- Mechanical - technological test
- Tensile testing
- Notched-bar impact test down to - 60°C
- stationary hardness testing according to Brinell, Vickers, Rockwell;
- mobile hardness tests based on Brinell and according to the Leeb process (DIN 50156)
- Stationary and portable metallography for defining structures with digital image evaluation
- Direct and indirect visual inspection according to EN 13018
- Inspection of difficult geometries by using stiff, flexible industrial and video endoscope systems.
- Evaluation of surface displays/roughness with the casting comparison catalogue SCRATA and BNIF
- Use of surface roughness measuring devices to determine roughness
- Dye penetration test according to ISO 3452
- Fluorescent and non-fluorescent magnetic powder tests according to ISO 9934
- mobile magnetic powder testing with a hand magnet
- stationary magnetic power test with special machines (AC and DC up to 10,000A current) and with several magnetising devices for complex component geometry
- Ultra-sonic inspection (impulse echo method) according to ISO 16810
- Penetrating radiation test with X-rays or gamma-rays (film analysis) according to ISO 5579
- Inspection of wall thicknesses up to 150mm on our own facilities
- Digital radiography (radioscopic inspection) according to EN 13068
- All employees in the non-destructive inspection are certified according to ISO 9712
- 3D measurement and marking out machine for measuring length
- Dimension inspection by conventional length inspection techniques using a marking out machine
- 3D dimension inspection by length inspection techniques using a measure machine
- Dimension inspection by length inspection technique using electronic/optical measuring devices
- 3D dimension inspection by scanning and discolouration evaluation