Foundries in Germany - The supply sector with prospects

Every year, foundries in Germany produce parts and components with a volume of more than 5 million tonnes by means of the processing of metallic materials. And the sector is growing steadily. Already today there are about 600 iron, steel and non-ferrous metal foundries in Germany, which believe it or not provide 80.000 employees with secure jobs. It is therefore not surprising that about 3,000 young employees are trained in foundries in Germany each year. The main locations are in North Rhine-Westphalia and Southern Germany, although foundries can be found in every other federal state. Foundries in Germany are often typical family businesses, which have been operating for several generations.

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The sector in figures

Ein Mitarbeiter steht in einer Lagerhalle voll mit neu angefertigten Bauteilen

The production of grey cast iron dominates with 57 per cent of the total production of iron and steel foundries. Cast iron with spheroidal graphite iron, meaning ductile iron, follows with 38 percent and approximately 4 percent of the production is of cast steel. Malleable cast iron components as a niche material are the exception to this rule with one percent. In non-ferrous metal foundries, on the other hand, above all the production of aluminium castings constitutes 88 percent. Non-ferrous products are made up of about 6 percent copper castings and 5 percent zinc castings.Nowadays, many industries rely on the products of the foundries in Germany. Without a doubt, road vehicle manufacturing is one of the most important customers, closely followed by general mechanical engineering. However, the construction and steel industries as well as some areas of the electrical industry belong to the group of customers of the foundries in Germany. And, of course, railway engineering, the chemical industry, aerospace, shipbuilding and medical technology must not go without a mention in this long line up.

The foundry industry

Several industries rely on the products of the foundries. As they are therefore in a key position in industry, that is the decisive reason why foundries are booming in Germany. For several years, the foundries in Germany- industry has played a very special role in European and international competition with regard to its leadership in innovation and quality. The Silbitz Group offers you fast, high quality and reliable processing of your order, from design to completion. Please feel free to contact us!

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